Drive Technology. Обзор. Подробное описание, цены на оборудование Siemens. Большой выбор, низкие цены на Drive Technology
официальный партнер Сименс
Каталог СА01 2017
(4872) 700-366

Drive Technology
Here you will find the following drive systems and drive components for a very wide range of applications
  • The variable-speed drives from Siemens Drive Technologies are available in a variety of versions which cover all the requirements of modern industrial applications. The range extends from low-cost versatile converters for small performance capacities through reliable large drives in the megawatt range up to highly dynamic drives for machine tools and production machines.
  • Low-voltage and servo motors for the entire mechanical engineering and plant construction industry - the solution for the future: maintenance-free, dynamic and powerful.

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